• the cast of destiny-alduran (INCOMPLETE, currently only destiny)

    Note: Some of the information is listed as if the character wrote it themself. This is meant to assist in conveying the character's personality, values, etc.

    Name: Dee-Dee Kuro (she/her)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Transgender Female
    Date of Birth: March 14, 2000
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human-Demon
    Magic Type: Celestial (Eclipse), Hellfire
    Occupation: Graphic Designer
    Hobbies: Illustration, Reading, Gaming
    Orientation: Bisexual, Polyamorous
    Relationships: Midnight (alter), Aura (alter), Nightshade (wife), Ash (boyfriend), Ray (brother), Tristan (best friend), Firewing (mother), Micheah (father), Tyran (grandfather)
    Would describe themself as: "Creative and acedemically smart, if you ignore my lack of common sense. Kinda timid, and I may be a bit too self-critical at times, but I try to stay positive overall :)"
    Additional Information: Developed MBES from a very severe magic overpower; Is one of the four holders of the Celestial magics forseen by the Great Prophecy; Obtained Hellfire via it making a mistake in soulreading; Eclipse has since fused with her Hellfire magic and now keeps it under control, despite it's strength; Some versions from alternate universes have roles in the Midnight Empire, however many do not; Can speak both English and Japanese, and knows some Spanish

    Name: Midnight (he/him)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: N/A
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human-Demon
    Magic Type: Celestial (Eclipse), Hellfire
    Occupation: Graphic Designer
    Hobbies: Music, Gaming, Writing
    Orientation: Asexual Biromantic, Polyamorous
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (alter), see Dee-Dee's card for all else
    Would describe themself as: "Cold on the outside and warm on the inside. Inarguably the most mature one in the system."
    Additional Information: The alternate varient from universe 1000-D is the creator and leader of the Midnight Empire, which is dedicated to the study and protection of the universes in the Destiny-Alduran supercluster; Extremely closed-off to and distrusting of anyone he doesn't know very well, especially if he has no power over them; Is a very kind person deep down, just has major trust issues

    Name: Aura (they/them)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Nonbinary, questioning agender
    Date of Birth: N/A
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human-Demon
    Magic Type: Celestial (Eclipse), Hellfire
    Occupation: Graphic Designer
    Hobbies: Building with Legos, Coloring, Birdwatching
    Orientation: Aromantic Asexual
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (alter), see Dee-Dee's card for all else
    Would describe themself as: "bapy"
    Additional Information: A young child, and while their age does not seem to progress, they have gotten more mature over time; Very timid, but finds comfort in hanging out with their friends or partners

    Name: Raymond Kuro (he/him)
    Also known as: Ray
    Gender Identity: Male
    Date of Birth: October 9, 2004
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human-Demon
    Magic Type: Dark
    Occupation: Cybersecurity Student
    Hobbies: Card games, Chess, Sparing with Theo (who always wins)
    Orientation: Gay Gay Homosexual Gay
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (sister), see Dee-Dee's card for other family, Theo (boyfriend), Lucas (best friend)
    Would describe themself as: "Fun to have around, and loyal as a dog. I tend to exaggerate any stupidity for comedic effect, but I like to think I'm smart otherwise"
    Additional Information: Due to having less Elemental magic than normal (which is fairly typical of hybrids), he lacks the more obviously defining features of a demon such as wings and a tail, but he still has small fangs and slightly pointed ears; He's all bark, no bite, but he knows this well enough not to pick pointless fights

    Name: Micheah Kuro (he/him)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: July 5, 1977
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Dark (previously had Celestial)
    Hobbies: Painting
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (daughter), Ray (son), Firewing (wife)
    Would describe themself as: "I try to be as kind and calm as I can in most circumstances."
    Additional Information: Used to hold the Celestial power Eclipse; Natively speaks Japanese (used to live in Japan as a child) and taught it to his children

    Name: Firewing Kuro (she/her)
    Also known as: Amy (human alias)
    Gender Identity: Female
    Date of Birth: August 16, 1975
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demon
    Magic Type: N/A
    Occupation: Stay-at-home mom
    Hobbies: Taking care of plants, working out when she has time
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (daughter), Ray (son), Micheah (husband), Ruby (sister), Tyran (father)
    Would describe themself as: "A caring and protective mother."
    Additional Information: Left the Underworld after Tyran's possession; Has no magic of her own, but uses a necklace enchanted by Micheah to disguise herself as human, and used to have Dee-Dee do the same when she was younger

    Name: Ruby (she/her)
    Also known as: Queen Ruby
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: August 16, 1980
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demon
    Magic Type: N/A
    Occupation: Queen of the Kingdom of the Underworld
    Hobbies: Hanging out with her friends, playing card games
    Orientation: Lesbian
    Relationships: Firewing (sister), Tyran (father), Amethyst (mother)
    Would describe themself as: "My utmost prority is trying to resurrect a tarnished kingdom. I chose the people in my life carefully, but I stay with them until the end of time."
    Additional Information: The only living relative of Tyran's still residing in the Underworld; Paralysed in the wings, making her unable to escape the Underworld alongside her sister, so she took refuge with a friend

    Name: Tyran (he/him)
    Also known as: King Tyran
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: May 3, 1944
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demon
    Magic Type: Hellfire
    Occupation: Former King of the Kingdom of the Underworld
    Hobbies: Trying to figure it out, experimenting with poetry
    Orientation: Unsure, but doesn't care enough to really question it
    Relationships: Amethyst (wife), Firewing (daughter), Ruby (daughter), Dee-Dee (granddaughter)
    Would describe themself as: "I'm afraid I have become more and more tired over the years, and I'm aware I come across as uncaring. That, combined with everything that went down while I was possessed, have made me rather unlikeable."
    Additional Information: Nearly died on a hunt when human "demon hunters" found the group that was him, his wife, and his parents; Obtained Hellfire via a mistake in its soulreading, but was unable to stop it from growing stronger and completely taking over; Was killed in a coup d'état after years of his Hellfire being a maniacal tyrant; Does not blame his daughter for leaving and is silently grateful she was able to escape

    Name: Amethyst (she/her)
    Also known as: Queen Amethyst
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: December 25, 1946
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demon
    Magic Type: N/A
    Occupation: Former Queen of the Kingdom of the Underworld
    Hobbies: Playing cards (she taught her daughter many different games)
    Orientation: Pansexual, but didn't know it
    Relationships: Tyran (husband), Firewing (daughter), Ruby (daughter)
    Would describe themself as: "A loving mother and queen who wants only the best for her family and her people."
    Additional Information: Completely blind in one eye and mostly blind in the other, but still does what she can to assist in hunts using her excellent sense of smell; Was killed by humans during a hunt she went on with her husband and his parents, who were also murdered

    Name: Nightshade Kuro (she/her)
    Also known as: Belladonna (given name, still used by her mother)
    Gender Identity: Female
    Date of Birth: July 7, 2000
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human-Shadow Beast
    Magic Type: Dual
    Occupation: Princess of the Kingdom of the Shadow Realm
    Hobbies: Pretty much anything. She has a tendency to pick up something random only to drop it a month later
    Orientation: Straight, but she's a little flexible with it
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (wife), Ash (boyfriend/bestfriend (their relationship is tricky to define)), Powerhunter (mother), Shadowweaver (grandmother)
    Would describe themself as: "I'm logical, forthright, and steadfast. I have no tolerance for injustice."
    Additional Information: She is the only member of the Great Prophecy who does not hold Celestial magic; Her magic's strength is on par with the others, however

    Name: Powerhunter (she/her)
    Also known as: Queen Powerhunter
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: July 20, 1966
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Shadow Beast
    Magic Type: Dark
    Occupation: Queen of the Kingdom of the Shadow Realm
    Orientation: Deeply closeted lesbian
    Relationships: Nightshade (daughter), Shadowweaver (mother)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: This bitch may have more issues than Tyran; I mean, her mother named her Powerhunter, for goodness' sake; And her mother was Shadowweaver!

    Name: Shadowweaver (she/her)
    Also known as: Queen Shadowweaver
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: May 30, 1934
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Shadow Beast
    Magic Type: Dark
    Occupation: Former Queen of the Kingdom of the Shadow Realm
    Hobbies: Bullying her daughter, putting people in Situations (much to their dismay)
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Powerhunter (daughter), Nightshade (granddaughter)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Had a horrible reputation in life; Was pretty abusive to Powerhunter, especially when she was young; Almost disowned Powerhunter when she found out she had a human lover and a hybrid daughter; Nearly ruined her kingdom's alliance with the Underworld because no one likes her; Somehow gained control of part of the Dream Realm after death, which she uses exclusively to mess with people from all over the omniverse

    Name: Tristan Kagami (any/all)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Genderfluid
    Date of Birth: January 14, 2001
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Hellfire
    Orientation: Pansexual
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (best friend)
    Would describe themself as: "I can be your angle or your devil"
    Additional Information: Was Dee-Dee's roommate in college; Obtained Hellfire through Dee-Dee in an attempt to give him artificial magic (they did not realize that Hellfire would attatch to its user); Has a very bombastic personality

    Name: Ashton Carillo Sánchez (he/him)
    Also known as: Ash
    Gender Identity: Male, but in a slay way
    Date of Birth: August 31, 2000
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Celestial (Sunfire)
    Occupation: Line chef
    Hobbies: Cooking (obviously), Baking, Drag
    Orientation: Asexual Homoromantic
    Relationships: Dee-Dee (girlfriend), Nightshade (platonic girlfriend (at least, that's the best way he can describe it)), Theo (brother)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: First of his family to be born and raised in the United States instead of Mexico; Speaks both English and Spanish and is trying to learn Japanese; Has albinism; If it wasn't for his ADHD meds, he would not be able to get anything done; Is one of the four holders of the Celestial magics forseen by the Great Prophecy

    Name: Theodore Carillo Sánchez (he/xe)
    Also known as: Theo
    Gender Identity: Italian
    Date of Birth: September 22, 2004
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Celestial (Reaper)
    Occupation: Retail Worker (he hates it), Computer Science Student
    Orientation: Raymond
    Relationships: Ash (brother), Ray (boyfriend), Lucas (best friend), Dee-Dee (friend)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Undead; Adopted by Ash's family when he was twelve; Completely blind in one eye but perfectly seeing in the other; Has had a very consistant interest in pirates since he was young; Is one of the four holders of the Celestial magics forseen by the Great Prophecy

    Name: Callie Robinson (she/her)
    Also known as: Princess Callie, Cal (by Lucas when they were younger, sometimes still by her parents)
    Gender Identity: Female
    Date of Birth: April 23, 2000
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demigod
    Magic Type: Celestial (Alpha)
    Occupation: Princess of the Kingdom of the Light Realm
    Hobbies: Bullying Dee-Dee
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Lucas (brother), Melina (mother), Mordecai (father)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Dee-Dee and Nightshade's sworn enemy since they were fourteen (she refuses to admit that she started it and that Dee-Dee does not care nearly as much as she would like her to); Is one of the four holders of the Celestial magics forseen by the Great Prophecy

    Name: Lucas Robinson (he/him)
    Also known as: Luke (exclusively by his family), Prince Lucas
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: October 9, 2004
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demigod
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: Prince of the Kingdom of the Light Realm, Law Student
    Hobbies: Scrapbooking
    Orientation: Bisexual
    Relationships: Callie (sister), see Callie's card for other family, Theo (friend), Ray (friend)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Surprisingly quiet and humble, considering his family; Has a very strained relationship with his sister and is even more distant from his parents

    Name: Mordecai Robinson (he/him)
    Also known as: King Mordecai
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: January 21, 1975
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demigod
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: King of the Kingdom of the Light Realm
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Melina (wife), Callie (daughter), Lucas (son)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information:

    Name: Melina Robinson (she/her)
    Also known as: Queen Melina
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth:
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Demigod
    Magic Type: Light (previously had Celestial)
    Occupation: Queen of the Kingdom of the Light Realm
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Mordecai (husband), Callie (favorite), Lucas (son)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Previously held Alpha before passing it on to Callie

    Name: Kent Eastwood (he/him)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: October 6, 1804
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: Businessman and Magical Scientist
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Esther (wife), James (son that he refuses to accept as his son), Lydia (daughter), Warren (former friend)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Comes from old money; Very prejudiced, and has high expectations for his children; Hates Simon with a burning passion; Eventually found out the truth about Simon and tried (and failed) to ruin his image with it

    Name: Esther Eastwood (she/her)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: March 19, 1809
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: Stay-at-home mother
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Kent (husband), James (son that she refuses to accept as her son), Lydia (daughter), Warren (former best friend)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: A wealthy lady who married into a wealthier family; Holds largely the same values and beliefs as her husband, but is much nicer on the surface; Does have an awful mean side, however; Dislikes Simon for a myriad of reasons, but doesn't harbor nearly as intense of a hatred as Kent

    Name: Lydia Eastwood (she/her)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: June 12, 1836
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Light
    Orientation: Closeted Pansexual
    Relationships: James (brother), Kent (father), Esther (mother), Simon (former crush, now brother-in-law)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Incredibly sweet, especially to James and those he's close with; Is trying everything she can to break the cycle, mostly for her brother's sake

    Name: James Eastwood (he/him)
    Also known as: Jessica (legal name, still uses it in public)
    Gender Identity: Transgender Male (but closeted for safety)
    Date of Birth: January 23, 1838
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: N/A
    Occupation: Illustrator
    Hobbies: Violin, Gardening
    Orientation: Gay for Simon, specifically
    Relationships: Simon (husband), Lydia (sister), Kent (father), Esther (mother), Waren (best friend)
    Would describe themself as: "In rain or shine, I try to be courteous to everyone I meet and always put my best foot forward. However, I am a very cautious person, and I do not let my kindness become a weakness."
    Additional Information: Only out to Simon, Warren, and Lydia; A very friendly and outgoing guy, but tends to get anxious and defensive when around his parents; Was the first person to know Simon's true identity as Juno and did everything in his power to keep it a secret

    Name: Warren Hoffman (he/him)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Male
    Date of Birth: February 29, 1812
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: Industrial Engineer, specifically working with artificial magic
    Hobbies: Tinkering with anything he can get his hands on
    Orientation: Aromantic Heterosexual
    Relationships: Simon (best friend), James (best friend), Esther (former friend), Kent (former friend)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Despite his eccentric, theatrical personality, he can be a very down-to-earth person when he needs to be serious; He was the first friend Simon ever made; Used to be close with Mr and Mrs Eastwood, but drifted from them over time; Briefly served in the army before sustaining a serious injury in his right arm

    Name: Elizabeth Nightingale (she/her)
    Also known as: Liz, Lizzie (childhood nicknames)
    Gender Identity: Cisgender Female
    Date of Birth: November 7, 1830
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: Children's Book Author and Illustrator
    Orientation: Straight
    Relationships: Kyle (brother), Juno (old "imaginary" friend)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Experienced delayed magical development, which left many other kids to speculate if she was a Dark mage and avoid her for a time; Juno saw that and decided to fill the role of an "imaginary" friend for her while they still figured out what this world was all about; She never knew Simon and Juno were one in the same until Kent revealed it

    Name: Kyle Nightingale (he/him)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Male
    Date of Birth: August 24, 1827
    Universe of Origin: 0001-D
    Species: Human
    Magic Type: Light
    Occupation: Criminal Defense Attorney
    Orientation: Aromantic Asexual
    Relationships: Elizabeth (sister)
    Would describe themself as: ""
    Additional Information: Never knew Juno, but did know about Simon later on in life; Would often teach his sister random trivia when they were little

    Name: Juno Nightingale (they/star/he)
    Also known as: June, Junie (mainly by Robyn); Simon (formerly)
    Gender Identity: Masc Nonbinary
    Date of Birth: August 1, 1836
    Universe of Origin: UNKNOWN
    Species: UNKNOWN
    Magic Type: UNKNOWN
    Occupation: Magic Researcher, Second-in-Command of the Midnight Empire
    Hobbies: Writing
    Orientation: Greyromantic Greysexual, but very, very gay
    Relationships: Emperor Midnight (boss, friend), Robyn (sister), James (husband), Warren (best friend), Elizabeth (old friend)
    Would describe themself as: "I consider myself to be analytical, logic-driven, cautious and calculating. But, I am also kind, protective and respectful. I try to see the best in everyone, though it can be very difficult if one has wronged me. And while I may not be very physically strong, I pride myself in both my maturity and my magical ability, both of which have aided me endlessly in my journey throughout these worlds."
    Additional Information: Entered 0001-D on the day they consider their birthday; Has no recollection of their previous life, even centuries later, if one does exist; Lived amongst human society for a time as Simon O'Donnell, but left to explore the multiverse on their own as the body they created for themself died; Bri'ish lol

    Name: Robyn Fiore (she/they)
    Also known as: N/A
    Gender Identity: Sailor Moon
    Date of Birth: December 23, 2004
    Universe of Origin: UNKNOWN
    Species: Human?
    Magic Type: UNKNOWN
    Occupation: Unemployed
    Hobbies: Photography
    Orientation: Asexual Lesbian
    Relationships: Juno (sibling)
    Would describe themself as: "A silly goofy goober who just wants to enjoy life :3 I can talk for hours about whatever interests me, and I connect with people very easily. Also a huge nerd in more ways than one (just like June lol)"
    Additional Information: Has never entered Destiny-Alduran, unlike their sibling; Time betwen their world and Destiny-Alduran is not parallel, but her DOB is actually closer to what it would truly be if it was, although it is still somewhat off; Is Juno's opposite in many ways, from personality to identity